Keynote Speakers
Name: Prof.Jaroslaw Miszcz
Title: Professor
Unit: Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Topic: Prospects and applications of quantum programming
Abstract:   This talk aims to introduce the emerging fields of quantum programming and quantum software. We provide the background about the current stats of the art in the area of quantum hardware. We describe available architectures which can be considered as the potential targets by the quantum software community. Those architectures can be divided into two groups. One group includes architectures focused on optimization problems, with potential applications in transport and logistics. The most prominent example of this approach is the quantum annealing technique. The second group includes architectures based on the gate paradigm of quantum computing. This type of hardware can be applied to executing universal computation. The applications of this approach include machine learning and simulation of quantum systems. Especially this second group has gained interested among the software community, which resulted in the rapid development of software tools supporting the development of code for quantum computers. On the other hand, the development of quantum code for real-world problems is still very cumbersome and requires detailed knowledge about the target architecture.


Jaroslaw MiszczakDoctor, Associate professor, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Jaroslaw Miszczak, received hid PhD degree in 2008 from the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, and habilitation (DSc) in computer science, from Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology in 2014. After PhD he worked at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic (in 2008) and University of Cagliary, Italy (2014-2016). In 2012 he received START scholarship for young researchers granted for years 2012-2013 by the Foundation for Polish Science, and in 2013 Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarships for outstanding young scientists for years 2013-2016.

Jaroslaw Miszczak has experience in the are of quantum information processing. He published over 40 papers related to various aspects of quantum information theory, including the properties of quantum walks on graphs and random graphs, methods based on random matrices, and applications of matrix analysis.

During years 2012-2017 he was PI in the Polish National Science Center grant "Methods of development, modelling and analysis of quantum internetworking protocols", funded under SONATA call. The project has been focused on the utilization of quantum walks for the purpose of developing quantum algorithms and protocols. The results of the project include the development of game theoretic tools for analyzing quantum protocols and the analysis of quantum walks in open quantum systems.

Currently, Dr. Jaroslaw Miszczak is also appointed as a management committee member for COST action CA15220 Quantum Technologies in Space, funded by European Cooperation in Science and Technology action, for years 2016-2020. This action aims at developing and promoting application of quantum technologies based on long-rang communication in space. 

Dr. Jaroslaw Miszczak is also engaged in "Semantic tensor networks for large data sets analysis" project, funded by Polish National Science Center. In the scope of this project he has been using machine learning techniques for the analysis of quantum systems.